Though I have not recorded the
exact date but I think it would be around this time of the year I should have been
celebrating my twenty fifth anniversary. Whoa! HOLD! Stop those congratulatory
messages that you are drafting in your minds even as you read this. Because it
is not my marriage anniversary that is under discussion here as you wrongly
assume but the silver jubilee year of my smoking! Looking back I marvel at the
perseverance with which I cultivated a habit out of something which started off
so innocuously with my attempt to ape a far more successful Anand, Dev in this case, nonchalantly singing
fikr ko dhuaen main udatha chala gaya’ in an effort to impress the girls
in college. Somewhere between blowing rings of smoke a La Pran in many a movie
and as recorded elsewhere in these pages, a mega failure in my efforts to copy the ‘flip-to-the-lip’ of Superstar
Rajnikanth, I was hooked! The girls meanwhile fell head over heels for Anand,
Dev again much to my disappointment, despite my experiments with ‘kingsize’ and
quietly walked out of my life.
All my life since that momentous
day, I decided that I will do my utmost to our Nations’s progress. And by jove
haven’t I! From sales tax to excise duty to import duty to whatever cess,
whichever surcharge, I have contributed to every one of these revenue streams,
quite handsomely too, to make my country and its
economy stronger. To the extent that I and the others of my ilk are called the finance ministers’ best friends! I at times feel so proud that I might claim a halo of martyrdom as and when I kick the bucket due to cancer or otherwise. So huge I believe is mine and my fellow smokers’ contribution to the country’s exchequer!
economy stronger. To the extent that I and the others of my ilk are called the finance ministers’ best friends! I at times feel so proud that I might claim a halo of martyrdom as and when I kick the bucket due to cancer or otherwise. So huge I believe is mine and my fellow smokers’ contribution to the country’s exchequer!
The devout will tell you that
the toughest part after deciding to undertake the Pilgrimage to Sabarimalai is
not the actual trek up a torturous mountain but the penance of 41 days preceding
the yatra! Like any other penance this too is designed to prepare the devotee and enhances their endurance and ability to withstand the arduous trek from Pampa River to the Sannidhanam. And like all penances,
abstinence is one of its key elements. Abstinence from sexual relationships,
abstinence from liquor, abstinence from Rajasik palette and most importantly for me abstinence from smoking!
As I moved along, the need to
impress girls was soon replaced with a need to influence customers. That
Purchase Manager who will sign the orders, the Chief Accountant who will sign
the cheques, that Babu in the commercial
taxes office who will assess your books
or the TTE who could allot an out of turn berth in a train. While the heads to
impress and influence changed, so did the brand. The down market ‘filterless’
poison stick was upgraded to filter, double filter to kingsize filters. And
much later ‘lights’, ‘milds’ and ‘ultra milds’ as I became ‘health conscious’!
For a veritable chain smoker, the sudden dip in nicotine
content in my blood stream was like being hit by a sledgehammer to say the
least. Every smoker on the road, every paan shop assumed
demonic proportions out to wean me away from the chosen path of abstinence. On
many an occasion the feet would develop a life of their own and walk you to
every potti
kadai on the route. On many an occasion the hand would automatically
reach out to borrow a stick from a smoker colleague. And on most days the
mornings were spent in the washroom awaiting the pressure to build up without
the assistance of nicotine! What helped me see through this torture was the
fear of God and the love of devil! Fear of God punishing you for breaking his
codes while observing penance and the overwhelming love to see devil busted in
his attempt to lure me away from the path of probity!
If it was not the need to impress or influence, then it was the need to keep boredom away. Those lonely nights, spent alone, away from home, on work are a killer. “No! Not sticks! Gimme the whole packet!” Or it was the pressure of targets, targets and more targets, month in month out, day in day out! “Where is the goddamn lighter?” The high of a promotion or a deal cracked, low of an order lost or unimpressive increments. Whatever the scenario, the Cigarette was smoking me!
While staying away from smoking was tough during the
penance, the period post the penance is what the womenfolk will call labour
pain! With the love or fear or both of God removed from the equation and with
the Devil glowing in his full splendor, the risk of relapsing and lighting up was
quite severe and well within the realms of possibility. Without the above
mentioned anchor, I tried giving myself excuses not to resume smoking. I
conjured up the gruesome images of cancer patients, the devil threw dashing
‘Marlboro’ man at me. I imagined my family and children beseeching me to
prevent the relapse into smoking, the Devil waving the ‘Target vs Achievement’
spreadsheet at me. I visualized my friends laughing derisively at my going back
to the obnoxious habit to strengthen my determination; the Devil flashed my
impending loooooong travel schedule at me. At the time of going to the press
the duel is on between what I often quote, the irresistible force pitted
against the immovable object! A fight to finish! And I hope and pray that your
blessings, wishes, prayers are with me to ensure, sooner rather than later, I
too can proudly proclaim “I QUIT!”
PS: While I am at it, I have received a huge leg up from an
unexpected source in my fight against lighting up! Arun Jaitley and his ‘world
record’ increase in rate of excise duty on cigarettes in Budget 2014!!! Bravo!
Thank you @ashwin_nat for all the help and moral support!
Thank you @ashwin_nat for all the help and moral support!
‘har fikr ko dhuaen main udatha
chala gaya’ : Classic Hindi film song. Lines mean “I blew all my
worries in a puff of smoke” featured on Dev Anand.
Sannidhanam: Sanctum Sanctorum
Rajasik: Rich
Palatte which induces physical urges!
Babu : Clerk
Paan : Betel Leaf
Potti Kadai: Roadside kiosk selling tobacco
products and other knick-knacks!
Quitting Smoking is the Easiest thing........................
I Have done it over a hundred times in the past 28 years!
I just hope you do it just ONCE - and don't get another opportunity to have to Quit!
Kudos Mate!
I have quit a few times too in the past but hope as you say not to get to write a sequel to this post. Thanks for reading and comments Venkyji!
DeleteThe best way to keep the nicotine habit out is not get in in the first place.