Gosh! Everything has changed. For the better! And how? Gone
is the ramshackle hut masquerading as a school and instead replaced by a pucca
RCC building. The refugee tents which were the classes have seen a
metamorphosis and instead stood in their place concrete structures albeit with
ceiling made of steel sheets. Not the ideal arrangement but a far better than
the past. The porambokku land behind the main building
has been fenced, cleaned of its shrubbery and stones and now looked as good a
play ground as one can expect from a Govt school in the remote Kalladakurichi
town. The shanty which was being used by the ayah for
preparing the midday meal was now a proper kitchen. And surprise, surprise,
proper toilets for the children and a separate one for girls too! Miracles
never cease! Not to miss the freshly painted board bearing ‘Kalladakurichi Arasu
Palli’ proudly announcing the presence of the school.
As I walked in my eyes searched for the one piece of
furniture which I hoped had not been replaced. A dilapidated ‘Honours’ board
right next to the head masters’ room. It was there! But as with all things in
the school, replaced with a brand new board. As I glanced through the board, it
was there! Right on top of the list. ‘Matriculation Exams- Session 1987, School
1st,Zaheera Banu’! They had not forgotten while replacing and
repainting the board. I suddenly felt like a mini celebrity as I read my name
again and a few more times. I was as the board informed, the ‘school 1st’
in its first ever batch writing the Matriculation examination. And what a proud
moment it was for the school and for me. The school had overcome various
obstacles from local politicians who were eyeing the prime land and were out to
down shutters to the school. Add to it the perennial fund crunch which could
not be overcome despite the subsidy from the Govt. And survive; nay flourish. My story kept pace
with that of my school. Born in a poor family which found it difficult to make
ends meet, it was well nigh impossible to let a child ‘waste’ time studying
instead of working in the fields of the local land owner and be an earning
member. No amount of tears, anger, pleading, cajoling on my part would make my
parents see reason and send me to school. They were of course illiterate
themselves and any discussion on the benefits of a sound education was looked
upon suspiciously. As I was on the verge
of giving up any hopes of a modern education, fortunes turned. The Govt.
decided to introduce a midday meal for children attending school. My poor
parents who like many other parents wanted to give their children at least one
proper meal a day couldn’t refuse. No Parent would like to see their offspring
suffer from hunger when a square meal was readily available. So what if they
had to commit a social crime of sending their children to school to avail the
one square meal a day. Where all my logical arguments about the benefits of
education failed, elementary needs of survival won the day!
There was celebration all around the school. The students,
teachers, support staff led by the Head Master were all smiles. The school had
delivered 100% success in its very first board examinations. Indeed a proud moment for all of us. The
struggles of running the school had paid rich dividends. A batch of forty
students had been recovered from farm work, menial jobs, possibly a life of a
wastrel or a future criminal and bright minds eager and ready to take on the
next challenges that life had in store were harvested. To mark of this
excellence and to motivate the others in the school and the town somebody
suggested the ‘ Honours Board’. During the farewell day function, the board
duly came up, my name being the first on it! Friends and classmates deluged me
with best wishes. Teachers counseled me on the future courses that I
should/could pursue. The Headmaster blessed me with beaming smile and a word of
encouragement on the path ahead. I was on seventh heaven! I had finally grown
wings which would help me fly, compete against the best, conquer the obstacles
and transform my life. Education was liberating me, empowering me! A lot of work
remained. What to study next? Which stream to study? Which college? Will I be
able to manage the daily trips to Tirunelveli town and back? I ran all the way
home to share the news of my success with my parents. As I entered the home, I
saw my father speaking to another man. He looked up at me with a happy smile,
“Get ready Zaheera! You are getting married next month!” he said.
I woke up from my reverie! Rechecked the application form.
Tightened my grip around my daughter’s hand. Walked purposefully into the school, straight
to the head Master’s room. “My daughter will not be denied the education that I
was” I promised to myself.